When it comes to bucket list locations around the world, I often hear other photographers mention Australia….the Land Down Under. Having explored the 6th largest country multiple times over the years I certainly understand why it is so sought after. Like Canada, much of the interior is full of vast empty spaces known as the “Outback” with the majority of the population of Australia living along the gorgeous coast line. While this generally means that travel times between locations in Oz can take a while, the country as a whole offers an incredibly diverse amount of photographic opportunities.
On my last trip to the region in March/April of 2013, I was working on a variety of projects for the Australian Government and the Australian Tourism Board that included a world record breaking photo walk (seen on the left). The photography communities in Australia are incredibly passionate with amazing people that are eager to get out shooting. The photo walk in Sydney had 392 photographers join me as we made our way from Bronte to Bondi Beach to hangout out and capture the beauty of the coast line along the way.
Overall my trip to Oz last year took me from Sydney to Tasmania to the Great Ocean Road and even over to Perth the natural wonder that is Karijini National Park located in the heart of the Outback in the northern region of Western Australia. As I prepare to return to Australia next month to teach two photography workshops (in Sydney & Perth) and work on a new marketing campaign with the ATB (Australian Tourism Board), I am enjoying looking back at my work from such a beautiful country.
You would be hard pressed to visit Australia without atleast a few day stop over in iconic Sydney. While there is a variety of things to photograph in and out of the city, avoiding the Sydney Opera House isn’t usually an option for most photographers. Next month I am returning to Sydney for VIVID, which is a unique event that draws hundreds of thousands of people to the city as colorful lights are hung up all over the city for a nearly two week long light show that happens every night, allowing for some amazing night photography opportunities!

Tasmania holds so many diverse ecosystems in such a small island. From Cradle Mountain to the Bay of Fire to the city of Hobart, there is a lot to see and even more to photograph.I barely scratched the surface and can’t wait to go back and explore more!

A drive down the Great Ocean Road in Victoria is a must as it has to be one of the most beautiful drives in the world. The challenge is that you will want to pull your car over at nearly every bend in the road. There are tons of random locations to find and of course, a stop to see the 12 Apostles is required, especially at sunset.

While it doesn’t get the same recognition as Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, the heart of Western Australia, Perth, has a gorgeous skyline and sits right next to some beautiful beaches that are ripe with sunset locations. This growing city is the outpost to all things in Western Australia and serves as a good jump off point to the Northern territories as well as the beautiful south west coastal region.

South of Perth you will find some dramatic and incredibly beautiful coastal regions, such as the Yallingup/Margaret River areas. Sunsets are the focus of this region because the regions location, but every so often you will find a bend in the beautiful beaches that allow for some early morning sunrise opportunities that you shouldn’t pass up.

Karijini National Park in the northern region of Western Australia has to be one of the most beautiful and unique places in the world. It is home to some incredibly gorgeous gorges that contain beautiful emerald pools and smooth textured rock. It also happens to be situated in the heart of the Outback, near the towns of Tom Price and Paraburdoo, making the whole area is a photographers paradise!