A year ago today, a massive earthquake rocked the Island Nation of Haiti, leaving the country in ruins. 250,000 people died in what seemed like an instant and another 1.5 million where left homeless. While many good things have happened over the past 12 months, the bulk of the problems plaguing the country have not been fixed or even properly addressed in some cases. In June of last year, fellow Colorado resident and professional Photographer, Ray Tollison and I founded LESPWA HAITI (website still under construction), with the aim to help bring back the focus on the hope, struggle and perseverance of the Haitian people.
By connecting with small organizations like H.E.L.P and Trees, Water and People, we were able to capture amazing stories of individuals and organizations, working together to rebuild a better country. While they still have a long way to go to achieve their goals, we are doing everything in our power to make sure that they have a voice and that it is heard. Since our initial visit we have had numerous articles written about our project throughout Colorado and we have secured a photography exhibition at 910arts, one of the largest art galleries in Denver, from May 3rd – June 11th…effectively allowing the people of Colorado to connect with not only the organizations we are working with, but the people of Haiti as well. Our work has allowed these organizations to better connect with their donor bases and we are looking forward to our trip back to Haiti next month to continue with the project.
In an attempt to honor those that parished on January 12th, 2010, I am show casing a small preview of our work in Haiti titled, “Faces of Haiti”. If you would like to get involved, donate money to our project or just discuss the situation in Haiti please send me an EMAIL or give me a call at the number listed on the top of this website.
“Faces of Haiti” preview