One of the most asked questions I get from my workshop students is “How can I take more compelling photographs?” While many might expect some magical formula that would help them take their images to the next level, the reality is that it is a mixture of various undefinable things. Passion, Creativity, Perseverance, Vision and more times then not…..going that extra mile.

With the digital age of photography fully upon us, there are more people with quality cameras now then ever before. These means that more and more individuals have the ability to capture life on this planet. In order to help separate yourself from the fold, sometimes you have to be willing to do more then the next guy. Some of my best images have been taken in the off season, with crappy weather and in an environment that most would cringe at. This past year I found myself in the middle of sand storms, working in IDP refugee camps, high in the Himalayas in Winter, surrounded by snow, sleeping in my car and up to my chest in 40 degree F water….all while carrying around 30 to 40lbs of camera gear.
Having said that, you do NOT have travel the world to take these kind of images. Instead you have to find your own boundaries and learn to push them. I promise that you will find that not only will your photography improve, but that you will learn alot about yourself in the process.