2009 was one of those years that just seemed to fly by. It was a year full of adventures, new experiences and alot of photography work. When I started Colby Brown Photography back in 2006, I was so eager to get out and explore the world that I think I neglected to acknowledge some of the amazing locations here in North America. I traveled throughout the Pacific Rim for nearly 2 years, between different trips, and while my passion and love still remains in international work, 2009 was the year that I concentrated all my photography work on the continental US. From the granite domes of Yosemite to the almost alien looking landscapes of Southern Utah, I attempted to capture what ended up being some of the most unique and amazing landscapes in the world. I fell in love with the wildness of the Wind River Range in Wyoming, with the red arches of Utah and with the mesmerizing giant sand dunes of Colorado.

This year was unique in more ways then one, but there is one in particular that stands out in my mind. In March of this past year I met a woman named Sarah. She was from Boulder, CO and was into rock climbing and the outdoors. She loved to travel and was passionate about exploration and adventure. Before we knew it she had moved in and became a permanent fixture in my life. Everywhere I went for photography, she was there. For the first time in my life I was able to share my love and passion for nature with someone else whose passion for life seems to exceed even my own. 2009 was the year that I found a partner in crime. Someone that not only shared my crazy notion that we could change the world and make a difference, but that had planned on us doing it all along.

I think it is easy for most of us to get wrapped up in the chaos and fasted paced motion of life, but I think that it is important to stop and look back at the journey that took us to where we are today. Not to focus on the past, but to appreciate the path, the experiences and the hardships that makes us who we are. 2009 was an amazing year and 2010 is going to be even better. I leave you with a handful of my favorite images of 2009. I hope you enjoy!